Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Team Reptile
Sound Designer
PC | Nintendo Switch | Playstation | XBOX

As the sound designer on the project my responsibilities included field recording, foley, and designing all game audio, including: ambience, menu, gameplay, and cut scene audio. I was also responsible for implementation of audio for move styles specifically, as well as implementation of cut scene audio.

Move Style and Vocal Manipulation

For each individual move style (Skateboard, BMX, In-line Roller Blades) I had a lot of fun going out and using various tools to create the sounds heard as you play and perform various tricks! A lot of this work was done in the field using actual boards, bikes, and roller blades, or getting creative with materials similar to them and processing them to create the sounds heard in gameplay!

I was also responsible for all vocal manipulation and additional editing and mixing of the voice overs after they were passed onto to me from the various recording sessions (I was not present for the recording sessions themselves). I had a ton of fun particularly by creating the voices of Red and the DOTEXE characters, by running their takes through a variety of filters and plugins to give them each their own distinct mech-head feeling!

Cut Scenes and Enemies

Due to the variety of environments, cut scenes, and enemies, I was able to work on a multitude of sounds varying from abstract loops and sounds in the dream environments, and cut scenes to more technical/realistic sounds that accompany all the enemies especially the Tank Walker and Final Boss! I utilized lots of synths and heavy processing to achieve a variety of sounds in the cut scenes. I also had a ton of fun using a combination of heavily processed library sounds, and utilizing electromagnetic sensors to record a lot of great electronic and mechanical sounds used throughout the game!


Warframe Wisp Prime Redesign